October 4, 2024

Hello Everyone!!
Hope you are enjoying this cooler weather as Fall is just around the corner. September marked the one year anniversary of my return home to Cumberland! Everyday I’m thankful for old and new friends, and the family friendly atmosphere our facility provides, which is truly invaluable.
We will be doing a Trick or Treat night again this year. This is something we have done within our community for around 15 years now and our residents absolutely love seeing the kids all dressed up. With that, we are asking for candy donations that can be handed out to the kids that night. As in past years, we have a huge number of kiddos come through our facility and last year gave out over 100 lbs. of candy!!! Please help by donating a bag or two of “individually wrapped” candy to our Activities Dept! Thank you for your continued generosity and for helping make sure the lives of our residents are the very best!
– Jill Spurgeon Administrator