April 6, 2018
Hello All!
Spring is coming! Winter is trying to hold on, but warmer weather and sunshine will prevail! With Spring comes the opportunity to take a look at how the building fared over this winter. We will be upgrading and fixing things before it gets too hot! We know there are several areas that we need to look at, starting with our roof. We will be getting to the windows on the outside and then some landscaping. We also will be doing Spring maintenance on the roof-top and room HVAC units.
With the warmer weather, comes crawly critters. So we ask that if you bring in snack and such, please bring them in air tight containers (with a lid). This will cut down on ants and other pesky creatures. If you have something that needs refrigerated and don’t have one in you loved one’s room, be sure to put their name on it and the date, and we will put in in one of the nourishment rooms. Anything left in the fridge more than three days, if opened, must be discarded. We appreciate your patience and understanding and if you have any questions or concerns, please let myself or any one of the staff know and we will fix it if we can. Thank you.
Jill Spurgeon, Administrator