April 30, 2021
Carolyn P. is one of our many success stories here at Cumberland Nursing and Rehab! Prior to her stay here, Carolyn was living a normal life at home and working each day. One evening she awoke feeling sick, went to the doctor the following day, tested negative for the flu, and made her way back home. The next day she returned to the doctor feeling worse and only remembers walking into the office.
Carolyn had passed out and was immediately taken to the Russell Co. Hospital. She was then transferred to Lake Cumberland Regional as she had suffered a NSTEMI heart attack. Carolyn doesn’t remember being at the hospital nor the first few weeks of her stay at Cumberland Nursing and Rehab. After a month of rehab, Carolyn’s body was strong as ever and one day her mind just “woke up.” She could hardly believe so much time had passed.
Carolyn successfully returned home and is now living as if nothing ever happened. She is so thankful for our therapy team who provided the exact amount of intense rehab she needed to return home!